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Red Oaks Primary School

Celebrating Children 2019-2020 - Nursery: Mrs Granger
Nov 19: In the music room
Morning Nursery had a great time in our new Music room last term. We have sung lots of nursery rhymes and songs such as 'The Wheels on the bus', 'Twinkle Twinkle little star' and 'The Grand old Duke of York!', learnt about and explored all the different percussion instruments and how to play them and we are starting to learn how to repeat a pattern that Mrs Prophet plays. They have also been learning how to start and stop playing the instruments by following instructions and actions. They have made a great start! Well done Nursery!
Red Oaks Primary SchoolRed Oaks Primary SchoolRed Oaks Primary School
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Red Oaks Primary School, Redhouse Way, North Swindon Learning Campus, Swindon SN25 2AN
Tel: 01793 493920 Email:

Red Oaks is strongly committed to protecting and safeguarding children and expects all staff and volunteers to embrace this commitment.

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